
jesus for president

has anyone read this book?

i did.

the authors are coming into town. if you want to see them, or me:

July 7th, 2008
Trinity UMC
1820 Broadway
Denver, CO 80202

All events begin at 7pm.
All events are open to all people -- for there is neither Jew nor Greek,
male nor female, Republican nor Democrat.
All events are open to people of all faiths or no faith at all.
And all events are FREE.
As the early Christians said, “The Gospel which was freely given should never be sold.”
However, you may want to be early.


Regan's first triathlon

so, regan ran his first tri last weekend in greeley. he did amazingly well. he got first place in his age group, 20-24 and 18th place overall out of 207 people plus, some relayers. i am so proud, he trains really hard, so it's fun to see him do so well.

here are some pictures, i documented the whole morning.

in other news, finals are this week and i am really not looking forward to them, i would rather watch newport beach, how sad is that?
oh, and i got a $4731 grant for school this year. yeah! i don't have to pay that back, right?