
garden-er time

so, this weekend we spent time with some great farm friends, mark and val at their community in gardner, co. i wish i took more pictures, it is lovely there, very inspiring.
regan biked some of the way.

our plants are doing great. i am so excited to plant them in the ground and eat vegetables from them! yay!



what a day!
I sewed a fun little ditty today.

then i checked our little friends, in the mini nursery...they are awfully cute.


oooooh kay

okay, i am sad. i thought i got into pueblo zoo for my internship and i just found out i didn't. well, i didn't not, i just haven't yet. make sense?
regan made a lovely mini-nursery tonight and we planted things. i am hopeful that they will grow big and strong. a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiBXZgB5HUHx2nr9vLaJaenGWTPtHbB4G0UFDUy_mhDJsWYHdut0AQThxXFXHDETGShF63fhCiRm_kgCzi5XgEpxZ-IdPCKs9xuL6RZ3Nm9crl-YOyYIT8iH1xV5VLgHqfpnlNF9Q/s1600-h/100_1797.JPG">


sushi time

regan made us the most delicous sushi the other night. he prepared everything and then we made our own rolls.

we had to roll them with tin foil, so the next day i went out and bought regan a surprise!

we are excited for next time!