
oooooh kay

okay, i am sad. i thought i got into pueblo zoo for my internship and i just found out i didn't. well, i didn't not, i just haven't yet. make sense?
regan made a lovely mini-nursery tonight and we planted things. i am hopeful that they will grow big and strong. a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiBXZgB5HUHx2nr9vLaJaenGWTPtHbB4G0UFDUy_mhDJsWYHdut0AQThxXFXHDETGShF63fhCiRm_kgCzi5XgEpxZ-IdPCKs9xuL6RZ3Nm9crl-YOyYIT8iH1xV5VLgHqfpnlNF9Q/s1600-h/100_1797.JPG">

1 comment:

cassie haw said...

why didn't you tell me!?